Three Men in a Boat : Om Illustrated Classics

Author : Jerome K Jerome

20 AED


George J. Harris and Montmorency the dog are the best of friends.
Armed with interesting anecdotes their quirky personalities and a
boat the three men and the dog decide to go on a boat trip across
River Thames. But they discover that their fancy ideas of a boat trip
which includes visits to many famous riverside towns of England in
the 19th-century are very different from the reality!
Jerome K Jerome’s Three Men in a Boat is a comic tale of friendship
misadventure and fun. It is a delightful story for all ages and seasons.
Hidden within the seemingly funny incidents and comments are
the writer’s opinions on the foibles in England’s history and society.
The book offers a refreshing look at the various places people and
mannerisms in the country.

George J. Harris and Montmorency the dog are the best of friends.
Armed with interesting anecdotes their quirky personalities and a
boat the three men and the dog decide to go on a boat trip across
River Thames. But they discover that their fancy ideas of a boat trip
which includes visits to many famous riverside towns of England in
the 19th-century are very different from the reality!
Jerome K Jerome’s Three Men in a Boat is a comic tale of friendship
misadventure and fun. It is a delightful story for all ages and seasons.
Hidden within the seemingly funny incidents and comments are
the writer’s opinions on the foibles in England’s history and society.
The book offers a refreshing look at the various places people and
mannerisms in the country.
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